Ellogon 1.9.0 Released!

A new development version of Ellogon has been released (version 1.9.0). This release concentrates on thread-safety: both Ellogon core and the provided components are thread-safe, allowing for a multi-thread architecture in subsequent versions. In addition, facilities for embeding Ellogon in C/C++ have been created.


Ellogon 1.9.1 Released! (20/07/2010)

A new development version of Ellogon has been released (version 1.9.1). This release concentrates on thread-safety: both Ellogon core and the provided components are thread-safe, allowing for a multi-thread architecture in subsequent versions. In addition, facilities for embedding Ellogon in C/C++ have been created.

Our new web site!

As you may have already noticed, Ellogon's web site has been updated! The new site is based on the excellent Joomla! CMS, which will help us to update and maintain Ellogon's web presence more easily. We hope that the new version of the site is more easy to navigate and more pleasant to see. If for any reason you want to access the old site, it is still available here.

Ellogon 1.9.2 Released! (20/07/2012)

A new development version of Ellogon has been released (version 1.9.2). This release concentrates on many new features, including composite Collections (Collections build by selecting Documents from other Collections), new features for annotating corpora, and new interfaces for scripting Ellogon.

Ellogon 1.7.0 Released!

A new development version of Ellogon has been released (version 1.7.0). This release is mainly a bug fix release, with some improvements on the Java and Python APIs. The Ellogon Development Team will like to thank all Ellogon users who reported bugs, and more specifically Steven Bethard for his valuable contribution in improving the Python API.